Gemini, LLC >Auction >Auction V (06.01.2009)
Gemini, LLC >Auction >Auction V (06.01.2009)
Lot :800
Price :Unsold or unknown price
Nero as Caesar. (50-54 AD). Orichalcum sestertius (20.70 gm).
Thracian mint. NERONI CLAVDIO DRVSO GERMANICO C[OS DESIGN], bust draped right, with head bare / Honorary round shield and spear, the shield inscribed EQVESTER / OR?DO / PRINCIPI / IVVENT in four lines. BMCRE p. 195. CBN 288, Pl. XXX (same dies). RIC 108 (R4). Cohen 99 (Berlin, 200 Fr.). Red and brown patination. Rare youthful portrait of Nero on a large bronze. Bold fine.
The types copy an aureus and denarius type of Nero Caesar, commemorating the Equestrian Order's bestowal of an honorary silver shield and spear on Nero as Prince of the Youth. Only four specimens of this rare sestertius were known to von Kaenel, ""Britannicus, Agrippina Minor und Nero in Thrakien,"" SNR 63 (1984), pp. 144-145; perhaps ten others have appeared on the market since then.
Estimate: US$3000
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